Consulting Services

Information technology consulting services include professional services of IT experts. The goal of IT consulting is to help businesses and public organizations use technology more effectively. Consulting services include providing recommendations on specific technology issues as well as developing a complex technology strategy that aligns with the overall business goals of the organization.

Implementation of Information Security Management System

Information security ensures the protection of access, integrity, authentication, confidentiality and continuous operation of informat...

Implementation of Business Continuity Management System

Natural disasters, pandemics, cyber attacks and other events can have a significant impact on the continuous operation of the business...

Implementing a Cyber Security Management Framework

In the era of digital transformation, the dependence on IT services and products has increased significantly. Accordingly, the challen...

Implementation of an Information Technology Governance Framework

In the era of digital transformation, information and technology have become crucial in the process of support, sustainability and gro...

Implementation of Basic Information Technology Processes

The introduction of the main processes of information technology involves the use of a set of best practices that are widespread in th...

Information Technology Audit

In today's reality, business processes are becoming even more dependent on information and technology. The success of innovations and...

Cyber Security Management Framework Audit

A cybersecurity management framework audit is an evaluation process that assesses cybersecurity management framework of an organizatio...

Security Level Assessment and Penetration Testing

An important role in the process of ensuring information security is performed by the security of information technology infrastructur...

Security Operations Center (SOC) Services

For the first time in Georgia, UGT offers Security Operation Center services. Nowadays, due to rapidly changing digital technologies and constantly new challenges of cyber threats, the demand for security systems, qualified personnel and management of relevant processes has increased....