Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) system is a renewable energy source, which when exposed to light rays on solar panels (photoeffect phenomenon) generates direct (DC) electrical energy, which is further converted depending on various requirements (retail, domestic, industrial).

A solar PV system typically consists of solar panels, an inverter, and a battery storage system. Solar panels are installed on roofs or on the ground in an open environment, considering the maximum impact of sunlight on it.UGT offers high-efficiency PV panels (N-Type TOPCon) of the latest technologies from leading companies, which, unlike the previous generation of P-Type panels, have improved power and efficiency parameters.



Our team will help you in the correct planning and implementation of eco-friendly electrical energy, the effectiveness of which is visible in terms of business development during many years of use.

Our experienced team can help you increase the use of alternative, eco-friendly electrical energy in your business. UGT offers the following products in the direction of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems:

  • Solar (450W~600W N-Type TOPCon) PV panels
  • String (10kW, 30kW, 50kW and 100kW) and centralized (100kW, 200kW, 500kW, 1MW) inverters
  • Special aluminum mounting constructions (ground, roof) according to the type and size of solar panels

The panels, types and number of inverters are selected considering the specific capacity, physical location, and weather-climatic conditions during the design process.

Our Clients

The customers of UGT solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are both private and public organizations. Among our customers are enterprises, different types of farms, donor organizations, government organizations and business representatives, for whom taking care of environmental ecology is a priority issue. UGT has solar photovoltaic system packages tailored to the needs of corporate customers as well as offers for retail customers.