Implementing a Cyber Security Management Framework

In the era of digital transformation, the dependence on IT services and products has increased significantly. Accordingly, the challenges in the direction of information security and cyber security have increased. With these challenges in mind, enabling cyber security management will make your business more secure and reliable.

With workstation infections, unauthorized access, data leakage, malicious code execution and other risks, the cybersecurity of today's information technology infrastructure is at risk like never before.

Compliance with each new state regulation requires human and material resources. With the help of UGT, full compliance may be achieved in a short time in terms of information security, document processing, implementation of some control mechanisms and ensure even higher availability, integrity and confidentiality of your processes and technological infrastructure.


UGT has highly qualified specialists in information security and cyber security area throughout the region. With our experienced team, security risks can be minimized, and a secure and reliable technology environment maintained.

Our Clients

Cyber security management framework implementation service is intended for both small, medium and large organizations that want to increase security without significant capital expenditures on IT infrastructure. Through the service of implementing a cyber security management framework, our customers have increased the security of their organization and the stability of their IT operations.