Engineering Infrastructure

The engineering infrastructure of the data center includes the systems, that are required for proper and smooth functioning of the data center. By means of engineering infrastructure solutions, the data center is maximally protected against such risks as overheating, humidity, fire, power failure and unauthorized access.

Data center engineering infrastructure solutions ensure smooth and secure operation of IT infrastructure. Engineering infrastructure solutions include such systems as:

  • Cooling and air conditioning systems
  • Continuous power supply and control
  • Fire detection and extinguishing systems
  • Continuous monitoring and control of environmental parameters
  • Raised floor system
  • Structured cable infrastructure

Effective design of data center engineering infrastructure plays a critical role in ensuring reliability, availability and continuous operation of IT equipment in the data center.



UGT’s team offers modern, eco-friendly and cost-effective systems for organizing of your engineering infrastructure. Our experienced engineers ensure selection and implementation of solutions, tailored to your IT infrastructure. UGT’s highly competent specialists organized the largest data centers in the region, both in public organizations, as well as in the private sector.

Our Clients

UGT's engineering infrastructure solutions are intended for large and medium-sized organizations operating in the private and public sector. Our customers are the country's largest banks, public organizations, telecommunication companies, enterprises, donor organizations and etc.